MinItalien Property - houses for 1 euro

Find your dream home in Italy for 1 euro

Make a safe business. Buy a property in Italy for only 1 Euro. It’s not a joke. It’s true.
With MinItalien choose the old village of your dreams, and discover how easy and safe it is to buy a wonderful property in Italy for the price of 1 euro.
Buy your house for 1 Euro with MinItalien. We choose the property that suits you best together. We will do the project together, we will follow renovating work together. Everything we offer you is clear, transparent, safe. We explain everything you need to know and everything you wish to know

There are still large numbers of properties for sale in Italy that are located in beautiful rural areas or in small hill towns, seaside villages, but above all within our wonderful historical centers. Properties that have been abandoned by the local residents who have moved to larger urban areas. These properties are often sold at very modest prices, and with renovation can greatly increase their values. Throughout most of Italy, particularly in the south and especially in Sicily, local administrations are awakening to the benefits of improving the attractiveness of their areas to encourage tourism and the expansion of local commercial and hospitality sectors.


Precisely for this reason some local administrations have decided to sell these houses at the price of 1 Euro. The objective of the Municipalities is to recover and enhance properties located in the Historic Centers for which the owners have demonstrated and demonstrate to be available for the free sale in favor of Agencies and / or Companies and private available to invest in an overall recovery project and enhancement of the historic center.


It is clear that these properties are in a bad state of conservation, so they need major renovations, and present a great difficulty to be visited.

Furthermore, being located within the historic centers, they require special permits and authorizations: among these, in Italy, there is authorization from the Superintendency of Cultural and Environmental Heritage (Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali)


This department protects the areas and the Italian artistic and historical heritage. Therefore the restoration project must be approved by this regional bureau which provides indications and prescriptions on the materials to be used, and on the processing techniques.


It is true that this constraint could mean a higher initial expense, but it is equally true that it guarantees the future investment: the finished work will have a quality level that is clearly above average, and, at the same time, the beauty and peculiarity of the Historic Centers is safeguarded. On this way the investment is guaranteed.


Buying a house for 1 Euro works like this:


1 The municipality prepares a call for tenders where the potential buyer expresses interest in the purchase of a property you have chosen.


2 Once you have been selected you have 2 months to proceed directly to the signing of the deed of purchase (Rogito) of the property with a Notary. The purchase is same to that of any other property. The deed of purchase (Rogito) will be carried out at the Municipality headquarters in the presence of the Notary.


3 You must prepare a renovation and restoration project of the property by acquiring all the necessary authorizations within one year from the date of purchase;


4 When the project is ready and complete with all the authorizations, you must submit the project to the Municipality, which in a very short time issues the building permit (the permission to be able to carry out the work);


5 You must start the works within two months from the date of issue of the building permit and conclude them within 3 years from the issue of the concession;


6 You must stipulate a surety policy in favor of the Municipality, where the property is located, of the amount usually varying between € 2,000.00 / 5,000.00 (Depends on the Municipality to which it belongs), valid for 5 years, from the date of stipulation of the deed of purchase (Rogito) , to guarantee the concrete realization of the works. In the event of your default, the Municipality will get hold the surety policy. If, on the other hand, you complete the work, the policy will be returned to you.


Rely on MinItalien: you will have a guaranteed business.


MinItalien will assist you in all at all stages of the purchase process, looking for and choosing with you the right property for your needs, carrying out the project with you, step by step.
Because MinItalien knows the places, knows the Administrations and Municipalities, knows the laws and regulations, has got a great experience in the field of restoration. This one is precisely our job. And it guarantees you costs and times certain, always. No surprise, never.
Whether you want to buy your holiday home, or your house where you wish to move your residence, today or after, or you want to buy one or many properties (many have already done) to invest, to make holiday homes, b & b, hotels, restaurants, with MinItalien your purchase will be a wonderful and fun experience.

1 On this page you can find all the municipalities that offer houses for 1 Euro. See and read everything about, watch the images, videos, read the history, the traditions, the gastronomy, life style, and every useful information. If you are still undecided or have not found an answer to your questions, contact MinItalien immediately and without hesitation. We will reply quickly and be happy to give you all the information you need.

2 When you have chosen the country of your dreams, contact MinItalien and tell us all about the property you want. If you want a house, a palace, several houses, a business. Tell us everything about your needs, the type of house, the number of floors and rooms, the internal layout, the proximity to schools, restaurants etc. Tell us if you want the garden, terraces, sun exposure, panoramic views, parking space etc. MinItalien will contact the Municipality immediately for you to check the availability and will send you the data, images, information, news of the properties for sale at 1 Euro that correspond to your precise needs. Together we will find the property that’s right for you.

3 When you have decided, tell to MinItalien how you want it to become the property of your dreams. Tell us what you wish to have, how much you want to spend, the use you want to make of it: living there sometimes, move your residence to it, rent out it, resell it, do a tourist or commercial activity. We will work together and in harmony to give you what you wish. MinItalien will then send you a rough estimate of the project, renovation, and approximate times needed to complete the work.


We will notify you

– Cost of the project and works management;
– Cost of the renovation works;
– List and costs of visas and authorizations necessary for the realization of the project;
– Work times;
– Costs of notary fees and taxation;
– Costs of Land Register and handling municipal practices;
– Building permit costs.


Some of these data must be included in your request of interest to be send to the Municipality.


4 No payment is due to MinItalien for real estate brokerage and not even for the administrative activity carried out for you.


5 Before sending your request of interest to the Municipality you have chosen, you will only sign a contract with MinItalien: In this contract you commission MinItalien for the Project and Works Management of the property you are about to purchase. The contract will only be valid if your purchase request is accepted by the Municipality, otherwise the contract is void and nothing is due to MinItalien.
The contract provides for the assignment of the project and works management role. The cost of the total Project assignment is equal to 10%, plus VAT, of the cost of the works, with a minimum of €. 5,000.00 plus VAT. The cost of the Works Management is equal to 7%, plus VAT, of the cost of the works with a minimum of €. 3,500.00 plus VAT.
The cost of the works is what we previously established together. No surprises.
The payment of the project is with an advance of €. 1,500.00 plus VAT at the time of acceptance of your application by the Municipality. The balance of the cost of the design will take place upon delivery of the project.
The payment of the Works Management will be made with a advance of 50% plus VAT at the time of delivery of the construction site to the company that will carry out the works. A further 25% plus VAT at the first stage of work. The balance of 25% plus VAT at the end of the works. Nothing will be due to MinItalien if your application is not accepted by the Municipality.


6 We will officially send to the Municipality of the request of interest in the purchase of the property (or properties). So your request of interest will be included in the ranking. The purchase price is 1 Euro for each property. Your request of interest does not imply any financial commitment.

The request of interest must contain:

6.1 a declaration of commitment which will be presented together with the expression of interest. You must to commit, (the commitment is valid only if your application is accepted by the Municipality) to:
– stipulate the public deed of purchase (Rogito) of the property within the period of 2 months foreseen by the day of the approval of the ranking list;
– to bear all expenses for the drafting of the transfer deed (notaries, registration, transfer, land register etc.);
– prepare the renovation project and the recovery of the property by acquiring all the necessary authorizations within one year from the day of purchase;
– to start the works within two months from the date of issue of the building permit and to conclude within 3 years from the issue of the concession;
– to stipulate a surety policy in favor of the Municipality in the amount of €. 2,000.00 / 5,000.00 (depends on the Municipality to which it belongs), valid for 5 years from the day of signing the deed, a guarantee of the concrete realization of the works.


6.2 An explanatory report about the type of renovating proposal that the proposer intends to implement, in particular the following must be indicated:
– the types of intervention in relation to the priorities defined by the Municipal Administration;
– the characteristics of the participants in the renovating proposal and related skills;
– documentation proving the possession of the requisites required for the proposing parties


All documentation will be written for you by MinItalien


7 When the Municipality has informed us that it has accepted your request (usually within 2/3 weeks), you will have 2 months to proceed with the conclusion of the purchase contract. MinItalien, in agreement with you, and with the Municipality, will fix the day of the deed of purchase (Rogito).

8 At the same time as the application is accepted, you will pay to MinItalien the sum of € 1500.00 plus VAT as an advance by bank transfer.


9 You can also sign a contract with the company that will carry out the renovation works or you can sign this contract even after the project has been delivered to you.

10 Now you know everything about your new home, how it is at the moment and how it will become. You are now ready to sign the deed of purchase (Rogito).
This is the last step to complete the purchase. The deed will be made at the headquarters of the Municipality where the property stands, in the presence of the Notary and the Mayor. This will be a great party for the whole community and you are the Star. Always remember that the purchase price is 1 Euro.
However, MinItalien will send you a copy of the final deed of purchase (Rogito), in Italian and English, a few days in advance.
The Notary will read aloud the deed, which will then be signed by the buyer and the seller and by the Notary.
You can be present, always assisted by MinItalien, or be represented by MinItalien, or, by a person of your trust. A copy will also be drawn up in English and read in English; it is also possible to have a certified copy in your language.
The Notary will also provide your Italian tax code.
The Italian tax code needs for the final deed of sale (Rogito)
Finally the deed of purchase will be registered with the Italian Real Estate Registry. You will have a copy of the registered contract, documents, and drawings in Italian and English.

11 Now your dreams will come true. MinItalien will prepare the restoration project. Always with you, step by step, listening to your every need and desire, You will follow all the phases of the drafting of the project. Remember that the costs are always the ones we planned on the day the contract was signed. No surprises, Never. No hitch, ever.
We at MinItalien can assure you very fast times for the preparation of the project. Remember, however, that you have 1 year of time.

12 Once defined, the project will be sent to the Regional Offices which will have to issue the relevant authorization. MinItalien will send you a copy of the project in digital and paper format.
Sending project to the Officies for their authorizations depends on the type
of works that will be carried out and on the location of the Municipality in the Territory.

The always mandatory authorizations are:

– The Regional Office, Provincial department, of the Genio Civile: This one in the case of the static and seismic suitability of the building.

– The Regional Office, Provincial department, of the Soprintendenza ai BB CC AA: this one in the case of conformity of the project with the historical and artistic constraints of the building and of the landscape, that is of the place where the property stands.

– The Department Health Office (ASP) for the sanitary hygiene authorization (ventilation, minimum size of bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, etc.).


In Italy the time of release of the authorization from these offices must not exceed 90 days. In Italy sending the project to the officies that will issue the authorizations has a cost that is around a few hundred Euros; The cost depends on the extent of works.

In addition, other authorizations may be required for the location or intended use of the property:

The opinion of CONI, if a future sporting activity is presumed;

The opinion of the Fire Brigade for recreational, hotels, resort, sports, games (with over 120 persons).

The authorization of the Regional Department of environment and t of the forestry agency. These ones if the area in which the building is located is subject to hydrogeological restrictions.

Once the project is ready with all the necessary authorizations, you will have to pay the cost of the project which is equal to 10% plus VAT, of the total cost of the works (net of the sum of € 1500.00 that you have already anticipated) That is, if example the works amount to €. 50000.00 the cost of the project is €. 5000.00. You will have to pay the balance of € 3,500.00)


13 The project, with all authorizations, will be sent by MinItalien to the Municipality which will issue the building permit.
The building permit has a duration of 3 years, that is, within 3 years from the issue of the building permit, the works must be completed.

14 Now the restoration work on your property starts. The time required to complete the works will be what you have already planned up with MinItalien when signing the contract. But remember you always have 3 years. If you haven’t done it before, now you need to sign a contract with a contractor.
We at MinItalien rely on companies of the highest and proven quality, great know how, who operate on the places, who know the places where the property stands. Knowledge of places is very important. But if you want you can choose the company you want. MinItalien will always be by your side.
The company will carry out the works according to the orders given by the Works Manager and according to the schedule of works. You will be constantly informed by MinItalien on the progress of the works, on their evolution, day after day, work after work. You will see your home grow every moment. MinItalien will send you pictures and videos. At the end of the works MinItalien will give you an album that will contain all the phases of the restoration works. A wonderful and happy memory will always accompany you.


15 The payment to the company carrying out the works can be different from company to company, and is made in the progress of the works, SAL, according to the schedule of the works.
Usually, it is customary to pay an advance of 30% upon delivery of the construction site and then the remaining part in progress works and in the final balance. Example: If the works amount to €. 50,000.00, and the time schedule foresees the works will last 12 months, with 2 states of progress every four months, you will pay: 30% (€ 15,000.00) upon delivery of the construction site; 20% (€ 10,000.00) after four months, at the first stage of progress; 20% (€ 10,000.00) after 8 months, in the second stage of progress; the balance of 30% (€ 15,000.00) at the end of the works.

Remember in Italy the completed works must be tested. The Municipality appoints a technician (architect or engineer) who must verify that the works have been carried out in a workmanlike manner, that is, that works comply with the project and with quality materials.
The works manager and the executing company participate in the testing. The test engineer may also order to carry out random checks on materials with laboratory tests. MinItalien, in the price of the Works Management, also guarantees you the testing assistance. The costs of laboratory tests are borne by the contractor company (remember to write it in the contract). The expense of the inspector appointed by the Municipality remains to be borne by you (usually an expense of a few hundred Euros).

16 When the works are completed you will have to pay MinItalien the balance of the Works Management assignment equal to 25% plus VAT

17 MinItalien will help you in making the connections for the supply of gas, electricity, water, telephony, waste.

18 Now the property is ready to be lived. Welcome to your Italian home!

19 Rely on MinItalien Property management to manage your property now

See below the municipalities that offer houses for 1 euro

Choose and contact us

Gangi - MinItalien Property - Buy home for 1 euro

Sicily - Palermo - Gangi city

In the heart of the Madonie Park, a few steps from the Piano Battaglia ski resort and a stone’s throw from the blue sea of Cefalù, the fine air and the scent of the mountains bring us to Gangi, which, more than a village, is a town with mythical origins. The medieval village, which turns the rock into art and seems to rise directly from the stone, you have to look for it right at the top, overcoming the slopes of the mountain. But here, taking a cobbled street, a stone setting opens before your eyes: a large flock of houses leaning against each other, golden facades, decorated with flowers, wrought iron balconies, rich portals.
Eighteen churches, stately buildings, artistic treasures are scattered in these narrow streets that wind up and intertwine in a grandiose natural setting.


Click HERE to know a lot about Gangi – the Most Beautiful Village in Italy (Borgo più Bello d’Italia), year 2014
Click HERE to watch the video

San Mauro Castelverde -  MinItalien Property - Buy home for 1 euro

Sicily - Palermo - San Mauro Castelverde city

Living at over 1000 m above sea level in the tranquility of an ancient medieval village, halfway between the Madonie park and the Nebrodi park, enjoying the spectacle of the Aeolian Islands.
Its territory, which slopes down to the sea, is rich in woods, pastures and olive groves.
In a few minutes you reach the pristine beaches of Cefalù, Pollina, Tusa, Santo Stefano di Camastra.
S.Mauro is at a safe distance from the global pollution of large urban centers and represents an “ecological niche” rich in authenticity and healthy air. Its pastures are cared for naturally as in the past as well as sheep, goats and cows, which live freely, in wild pasture. From their milk are obtained cacio, fresh and salted ricotta, caciocavallo that made these places famous.


Click HERE to know a lot about San Mauro Castelverde – Authentic Village of Italy (Borgo Autentico d’ Italia)
Click HERE to watch the video

Sambuca di Sicilia - MinItalien Property - Buy home for 1 euro

Sicily - Agrigento - Sambuca di Sicilia city

A few minutes from the sea of ​​Sciacca and the Archaeological Park of Selinunte and Segesta, immersed in the extensive vineyards of the major producers of Sicilian wines, you will find this wonderful and very ancient village.
Sambuca is not enclosed in the inhabited area, that white and compact triangle lying above the Orange lake. Its history begins at the top, from the original site of Adranon, founded by the Greeks of Selinunte and destroyed and rebuilt by the Carthaginians; continues on the hill where the Arabs founded Zabut.
The narrow streets of the Saracen neighborhood, the arches that connect the houses of the alleys, the dense net of houses close to each other, bring to mind the Emir Al-Zabut who, by founding this fortress, inaugurated four centuries of Arab domination. Then, the Matrice church was built over the bastion and Sambuca acquired another soul. The warm color, typical of sandstone, the baroque churches, the Catalan-style courtyards and stairs, the processions, the festivals, the sweets: Sambuca embodies the soul of Sicily.


Click HERE to know a lot about Sambuca di Sicilia – the Most Beautiful Village in Italy (Borgo più Bello d’ Italia), year 2016
Click HERE to watch the video

Cammarata - MinItalien Property - Buy home for 1 euro

Sicily - Agrigento - Cammarata city

In the heart of Sicily, located halfway between the Valley of the Temples and Palermo, there is this magical village, which rises overhanging Mount Cammarata, in the Natural Reserve of the same name.
The country is said to have originated prior to the Arab period. It is certain that the current structure developed during the Norman period, when the territory and the castle were donated by Earl Ruggero d’Altavilla to his blood relative Lucia “De Camerata”, who together with his son Adam owned them until 1154. We owe it to her the construction of the old church of Santa Maria di Gesù.
Later on, for the richness and vastness of the territory, Cammarata is coveted and dominated by several noble families: the Vinciguerra, the Moncada, the Abatellis, the Branciforti.
Here you can live in the shadow of the castle, discover history day after day, strolling through alleys and stopping in the open spaces to taste handmade cheeses and desserts today as it was done 1000 years ago.


Click HERE to know a lot about Cammarata
Click HERE to watch the video

Mussomeli -  MinItalien Property - Buy home for 1 euro

Sicily - Caltanissetta - Mussomeli city

Lose yourself in the alleys, courtyards, breathtaking views …
Let yourself be captivated by the charm of a fairytale village, by the suggestions of its fantastic history, culture and gastronomy.
Mussomeli stands in the shadow of the ancient Manfredonian Castle, among endless vineyards, orchards and olive groves, crossed by the Platani River. Quiet life, to rediscover the values of true Mediterranean life, including festivals, fairs, history, archeology.
If you want, in a few minutes you will find Agrigento with its splendid Valley of the Temples, the crystal clear and unspoiled sea of the Scala dei Turchi, Eraclea Minoa and its millennial history.
The gastronomic specialties of Mussomeli are linked to its rural roots.


Click HERE to know a lot about Mussomeli
Click HERE to watch the video

Regalbuto -  MinItalien Property - Buy home for 1 euro

Sicily - Enna - Regalbuto city

In the center of Sicily, in that part of the island that the Romans called “umbilicus Siciliae” and that the Arabs marked in the geographical maps as the ideal watershed between the Val Demone and the Val di Noto. A boundless plain where an incredible silence is accompanied by a quiet and delicate nature. Wolfgang Goethe passed through these lands at the end of the eighteenth century, feeling great emotions in the face of nature and enchanting landscapes. An immense clearing of wheat offers silence, peace and enchanting visions. Opposite Etna cloaked in snow that seems to seal a panorama of rare beauty.
Among the citrus groves stands the lake called Pozzillo whose long silvery strip curiously resembles an elegant tie and whose view almost ennobles the characters of a part of Sicily probably still unknown to many. And this almost as if to encourage the characteristic vocation of the province of Enna called the “province of the lakes”.
The Borgo is close Enna, wonderful city, the highest city of Europe, a few steps from Catania with its sea and its history, and from the Roman villa of Casale in Piazza Armerina.


Click HERE to know a lot about Regalbuto
Click HERE to watch the video

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